Database Of Shipping & Tax From China


You want to import goods into China, the shipping and customs clearance process is managed by the freight forwarder, but you don’t know what regulations you have to comply with?

That said, you will find reliable information about Chinese customs clearance, import licensing, new customs regulations and import restrictions, while you must also know how to calculate freight charges, manage risks, and understand import duties and other taxes.

Any further questions regarging below subject? Please do not hesitate to contact us!

  • 1 Import process
  • 2 Import Duties
  • 3 Import value-added tax
  • 4 Consumption Tax
  • 5 Other tax
  • 6 Insurance
  • 7 Freight documents
  • 8 Shipping Costs
  • 9 Checklist
  • 10 Restrictions and Regulations
China freight forwarder
JIKEship, a China-based global company, is trusted by clients for its professionalism, experience and quality service.

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