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FCL and LCL are both used for different purposes. While FCL is for transporting large goods, LCL is for comparatively smaller ones.


China Europe Block Train

JIKEship updates you on the weekly operation of China to Europe Block Train. We will keep you posted on any railway news between Asia and Europe!


rules of origin

Rules of origin determine a product's origin and can determine preferential customs treatment or duties for goods from specific countries.


prohibited goods

The type of goods can be specifically divided into three categories: general, sensitive and prohibited goods. Let's find out how to tell the difference!


amazon self shipping

The choice of Amazon self-shipping channel should be judged comprehensively based on product characteristics, timeliness, and logistics budget.


detention charges

Do you understand the meaning of demurrage and demurrage charges? Are there any doubts about the conditions of the charges? Come and follow us to find out.


net weight and gross weight

You should understand the relationship between net weight and gross weight. With bills of lading, weight becomes important as it is main component.


shipping container weight limit

Are you annoyed by the unexplained over-pricing of every shipment? Shipping container weight limits are part of the reason, so find out more.


harmonized system code,hs code search

This guide gives you the breakdown on everything you need to know about the Harmonized System Code.


China freight forwarder
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